I still maintain that this life is the analogy for the true reality. Physics is only concerned with the “how” but metaphysics explains the “why”, although both are answering questions about the same events. Physics isn’t untrue, just, by itself it’s missing the bigger picture.
The word spirit originally meant breath and the way we became alive is that God breathed into the nostrils of Adam. In the beginning, the spirit of God was said to be upon the face of the earth and it still is, hence wind. But when we cut ourselves off from the spirit of God, we will soon run out of what spirit of God we last breathed in and this die.
The word spirit originally meant breath and the way we became alive is that God breathed into the nostrils of Adam. In the beginning, the spirit of God was said to be upon the face of the earth and it still is, hence wind. But when we cut ourselves off from the spirit of God, we will soon run out of what spirit of God we last breathed in and this die.