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Looks like they simply stripped all the navigation off the existing design. (at least that's what I see in the latest Chrome).

As such, unless I want to read about whatever that big picture is talking about, or one of those 4 irrelevant things on the bottom (such as learning about iPhone4 on Verizon), there's nothing I can do there. They've essentially removed the rest of their site from the internet.

If, for instance, I wanted to buy a new Macbook Pro, I currently have no way to do so.

I'm going to call this a step back:


Must be a caching problem. This is what I see:


Must be. After enough SHIFT+F5'ing, I can see the nav on the homepage. And if I do a hard refresh on every page I go to, I eventually get the nav there too.

Apple really should know how to version their .js and .css to avoid this. It's Website 101 to increment the version number on your style sheet when you launch a new version of your site.

We all do it for our sites. Why do you suppose Apple don't do it for their own?

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