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Ask HN: Why are there emojis in commits?
3 points by ____Sash---701_ on Nov 2, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

I've seen repo's use them as a way of categorising the type of commit (don't have an example at hand), which could be a good use if used consistently and the categories fit your workflow.

I use it for a CMD Resume (https://github.com/bbody/CMD-Resume/), honestly though I can only think of one time the emoji helping me find where I broke something quickly.

I followed (https://github.com/slashsBin/styleguide-git-commit-message) but more recently started using Gitmoji (https://gitmoji.carloscuesta.me/).

After spending a great deal of time and effort in tracking down some obscure bug and fixing the code, a bit of venting using emojis is almost a reflex action.

Why do you post a random question with no examples, context, or explanation as to why it's interesting?

\(^?^)/ ... (>﹏<) ... :-)

Why is it not possible to put emoji in HN comments?

What additional value do emojis add, that plain text already doesn’t?

Getting open source pull requests accepted is a lot like pulling teeth

I agree emoji add ~0 meaning. But the added encouragement helps me

I got DragonFlyBSD support into Zig this week. The emoji tell me that people care (Edit: thanks to them)

But HN, dunno...

Maybe aswell as points, being able to thumb-up posts could be another way to encourage people to have constructive and positive interaction?

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