That's good. One structural issue with the internet down, many more to go. There is essentially no guarantee that cloud providers don't snoop through memory and steal your keys and sift through your data, for instance. There are just some big companies that we implicitly trust. Whenever the endpoint for encryption /decryption is under the control of a 3rd party, any guarantee of data safety isn't real. We have devices that constantly go out looking for new code to run, with proprietary blobs in firmware, which means they're 3rd party controllable. Control of the internet is in the hands of organizations that can't be held accountable for abuse of power over individuals.
I guess I'm just saying I don't have faith that a system (I'm talking about the intersection of technology, government, and business here) which puts so little power in the hands of individuals will do an adequate job of serving their interests in the long term.
I guess I'm just saying I don't have faith that a system (I'm talking about the intersection of technology, government, and business here) which puts so little power in the hands of individuals will do an adequate job of serving their interests in the long term.