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Ooops. First 3 messages in my gmail spam folder (skitch.com)
126 points by joshfraser on Jan 26, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 19 comments

Happens to me as well - Amazon's service mails are marked straight as spam. Even always taking them out of the spam folder didn't stop it (I was expecting the filter to do some sort of automatic adjustment). Very curious.

If you're also on gmail, you can manually set up a filter to 'never send to spam'.

I've had to do this for friends' emails before, e.g. someone whose domain has a letter->number substitution which sets off spammer alarms.

For some reason I object to this on principle, even though it clearly is a good idea. I want GMail to learn dammit, and do The Right Thing.

That email was not marked as spam on my gmail accounts.

When I first signed up for SendGrid their confirmation email went straight to my spam. Not really auspicious beginnings, but I haven't had any problems with them since and I think they're a great company.

Here's hoping the same will be true for SES.

Earlier this month I had an email from Google that was marked as spam in gmail.

Some YouTube subscription updates that I haven't bothered to turn off keep getting marked as spam in GMail too.

I was under the impression that Gmail spam filter takes volume from a sender into account. The fact that you got 3 nearly identical messages might have been part of that. I got the message in my inbox in both my gmail accounts, for what that's worth.

Not surprising. Google Apps mail sometimes gets marked as spam for me. Apparently "spam" and marketing messages from people you do business with are the same thing for some people.

I host my mailboxes on Rackspace Mail and their filter gave that mail a spam score of 0. I wish I knew how to easily tell if Amazon is using SES to send their own mail.

look at the header info?

I don't have a mail sent by SES to compare to.

I've also been noticing that all my Facebook alerts get sent to spam in Gmail as well. I guess Google is telling me what I know in my gut to be true.

I think those qualify as spam.

Conspiracy theory +1: android browser just informed me this page was dangerous to my phone :)

Conspiracy theory -1: My Android browser just claims that the name of the site doesn't match the name in the SSL cert. It probably has something to do with their ghetto cert from SecureTrust.

sometimes there's a reason for the :)

I didn't doubt that he wasn't serious about it. I just wanted weigh in on the situation.

what a bunch of marys.

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