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There's a few good UIs for git if you don't like its command line; along the lines of magit, I've recently been using fugitive in Vim and it's terrific. For the Mac, there's the free and open source Gitup, and of course there's a host of commercial clients.

But, having said that, I made my peace with the git command line years ago, in part by learning to appreciate aliases:

    co = checkout
    ci = commit
    dt = difftool
    mt = mergetool
    amend = commit --amend
    pfwl = push --force-with-lease
(The first two are my personal hangovers from Subversion.) I also have a "gpsup" shell alias which expands to

    git push --set-upstream origin $(git_current_branch}
The latter is taken from Oh My Zsh -- which actually has dozens of git aliases, most of which I never used. (When I realized "most of which I never used" applied to all of Oh My Zsh for me, I stopped using it, but that's a different post.)

tl;dr: I used to have a serious hate-on for git's command line, but one of its underestimated powers is its tweakability.

You don't even need git aliases for this, I personally use bash aliases for 90% of git use cases. Thus I type gc instead of "git commit", gd instead of "git diff", ga instead of "git add", etc.

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