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I am kicking the hornets' nest because IT is in a really bad shape because of the GNU/Linux monoculture and I want for things not only to change, but to effect change. GNU/Linux got to where it is by users bitching about how great it was for two decades, so the theory goes it should work for anything else, especially where that something else is superior.

And also, I have no fear of hornets or their sting; I've been stung enough times. I have never cowered and I'm not about to start now.

To add insult to injury, I am forced to work deep in the bowels of Linux and various GNU tools like GCC because of the current market conditions, so I get to "live the dream" every day. I want things to change, and I'm doing something about it, the best way I know how, which is by raising awareness, just like all the Linux people did back in the '90's and early 2000's.

You're convincing people who would be otherwise sympathetic that your arguments have no merit, by spouting wrongness ("set -e" is a bashism!! Even though it appears in V7 unix and 3BSD!!) You can't even admit your mistake.

I've loved Solaris, NetBSD, and Irix. ZFS is pretty cool.

But it'd be pretty easy based on your posts to conclude that the only people who still advocate for that stuff are wrongheaded, pedantic curmudgeons.

I never wrote set -e is bashism. I implied that people who use set -e will also write bashisms. Goodness knows I've had to fix enough of such garbage over the years to work with Solaris' /bin/sh and I'm revolted, sick and tired of it.

In the meanwhile, notice how absolutely no one could explain what's wrong with || exit 1, other than it's "ugly" (which is a personal opinion, not a fact)?

"You can't even admit your mistake."

So let me get this straight: because I was wrong about set -e making one's program instantly unportable, my entire argument that SmartOS is a good, fast product is invalid? I guess the implication here is that because I was wrong about set -e making a shell program unportable, I am wrong about everything else, is that it?

I haven't been talking about SmartOS. This thread isn't about SmartOS-- it's actually about FPGA synthesis tools that won't run on SmartOS, and criticism of how someone got those tools to run. In this thread you are batting .000-- the whole thing you showed up to assert was wronk, and then the whole sideshow of a conversation you tried to start is bad.

set -e is a stylistic choice, though one I'd urge anyone writing scripts in Bourne and Bourne-like shells to prefer by default.

And I stand by my statement to not use set -e because || exit 1 is a safe bet to be portable. This set -e is just nonsense.

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