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Is it? You can not be fine with the status quo but still have a multitude of reasons to ban political speech in your workspace:

- you think political speech isn't useful for changing the status quo

- you think the political speech that will probably take place will lead to a world worse than the status quo, in the opposite direction of which you want it to go (this doesn't just mean "I think my coworkers are of the wrong party" but also "I think the world should be less politically divided")

- you think political speech will change the world for the better, but you also just hate political speech even more than you hate the status quo

> You can not be fine with the status quo but still have a multitude of reasons to ban political speech in your workspace

You left out a reason: that the workplace is for getting work done, not for arguing about politics.

The workplace is an extension of the society it exists it.

It does not exist in a vacuum no matter how hard you try to put it there.

> The workplace is an extension of the society it exists it.

The workplace is a place for getting work done. Arguing about politics is not getting work done. Unless your workplace is Congress, I guess, although they seem to argue a lot but don't get any work done.

When I see people saying things like "everything is political so politics is part of the workplace", I translate that as "I would rather argue about politics than be productive". Or, alternatively, "I would rather argue about how other people should use their time and energy and money, than actually do the hard work of using my own".

The workplace has always been an extension of society. Humans are not robots and what's happening in society will impact how they work somewhere.

Trump making it harder for h1bs to get citizenship will impact how h1b workers feel in the company.

Supreme Court deciding on if abortion should remain legal or not will impact a lot of people in their workplace.

I'm sorry, but you seem like the type of person who knows the country isnt going to drastically make it harder to live for them. It's easy for people in that position to see work as...just work.

If that's not the case with you I apologize. But what happens with politics 100 percent impacts me at work and I should be able to talk about it.

> what happens with politics 100 percent impacts me at work and I should be able to talk about it

What happens with politics impacts me at work too, but my response is not to spend time talking about it at work. My response at work is to make my work valuable to my employer. My response outside of work is none of my employer's business.

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