We've abandoned V3 because of the shift in focus. I wish they would have improved the native build service (I think it's called appflow now?) instead of going for 2 more frameworks and an IDE. Wish them all the luck with their new releases.
What we would have needed:
- Actually usable and maintained plugins. Getting something like push notifications to work is too difficult. And then the plugins won't even build on their build service. It's a lot of hair pulling but should really be low hanging fruit for the ionic team.
- Easier submission into the app stores, because onboarding new people on how to do all the manual steps for every legacy app we maintain updates for is a pain in the ass.
To piggyback off this: AppFlow is such a great idea in concept, however their execution is half baked.
I would LOVE to have a build pipeline that builds both iOS and Android and automatically submits them to the app store, ready to go (whether that's TestFlight or an actual prod build)...AppFlow gets you 80% of the way there to much frustration.
I ended up just using Fastlane myself and building my own pipelines that accomplish the exact same thing. Funny too, if you look in the AppFlow build output, they're also using Fastlane. I wish they would have pushed it out _more_ feature complete and include the publish to app stores (I'd be first in line to shell out).
App Flow generally works really well for native app builds for us.
- Cordova plugins can be a pain - we have had to do a lot of research in Github issues/source code and in one case built our own plugin. We also have a few custom build scripts. Other than that things have worked pretty well for us.
- Automatic submission to app stores will be great since we have to spend a good bit of time doing that manually and we currently rely on TestFlight/Play beta testing rather than Ionic Deploy.
Thanks for the feedback. While I’m sad you had a bad experience, I’m happy to report that we’ve made significant improvements to those areas. Capacitor comes with a solid push API out of the box, and we will be launching App Store submission in Appflow soon! Appflow also supports Capacitor as of this summer.
- IAP, even Subscription
- Easy OTA update like via Expo with RN
- Handling gestures on web: already laid out well?
- different default browsers via different vendors on phone (especially chinese Xiaomis and Huaweis) broking the cross-platform web. Does Capacitor solve that?
What we would have needed: - Actually usable and maintained plugins. Getting something like push notifications to work is too difficult. And then the plugins won't even build on their build service. It's a lot of hair pulling but should really be low hanging fruit for the ionic team. - Easier submission into the app stores, because onboarding new people on how to do all the manual steps for every legacy app we maintain updates for is a pain in the ass.