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It's not about Oracle the db product, it's about Oracle the company. Why did you think everyone was saying the "Oracle database is predatory", that makes no sense.

That is fair, when I enter an HN post I automatically think of HN as hosting technical discussions, not business, and that is why I decided to look at the technical side.

Looking at the front page now (and virtually any time), there's quite a few articles that are more of a business or a political bend than technical.

A quick search of "Oracle" from the homepage search (only in the last year, since your account isn't much older than that), shows most articles are non-technical in nature.


> Why did you think everyone was saying the "Oracle database is predatory", that makes no sense.

A case could be made that the database itself is predatory, insofar as Oracle encourages use of non-standard functions that make migration to an alternative very difficult.

10 years ago (at Amazon in fact) was the last time I used Oracle and I've never felt any desire to use it again. I wasted far too much of my working life fixing queries that used the silly outer join operator (+) or debugging proprietary functions that already had a perfectly good ANSI alternative.

Every database has non standard functions, syntax, and behaviors.

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