If you can set aside 10 days during which you are completely cut off from the outside world, check out Vipasanna. I found it tremendously valuable. It teaches you to filter less of the info your senses are continuously delivering to your brain, and be more aware of every sensation.
What's the point, you ask? Well, beyond the obvious benefits of being more aware of physical sensations, in the process of disciplining your mind, you find out a lot about yourself -- what issues in your life are constantly distracting you from the task at hand, etc.
This only works when you starve your mind of new distractions -- hence, no talking, writing, reading, or even eye contact during the 10 days. It's a lot of time, I know, but for me it was well worth it.
What's the point, you ask? Well, beyond the obvious benefits of being more aware of physical sensations, in the process of disciplining your mind, you find out a lot about yourself -- what issues in your life are constantly distracting you from the task at hand, etc.
This only works when you starve your mind of new distractions -- hence, no talking, writing, reading, or even eye contact during the 10 days. It's a lot of time, I know, but for me it was well worth it.