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This comment breaks both the Show HN guidelines and the site guidelines. Would you please read them and follow the rules when posting here? It's important not to poison the threads like this.



Hey cryptica. The intention of this post was not to "raise money from investors" (the service is free and I have no plans to monetize it so it would be a terrible investment). The intention was to show off something I've been working on in my free time. The project did indeed start because I had issues filtering through all the saved recipes in my browser's bookmarks.

Has it been going a while, possibly under another name?

I tried to log in and was told my email address had already used the service, and sure enough, a password reset had me logged in. I have no recollection of using it, so it may have been some time ago.

I like it. It doesn't quite scratch my itch, but it looks a useful tool.

thats funny, ya I renamed it from recipepoodle.

Looks useful! Here's the previous launch post, if anyone is interested:


Yet another asshole comment on HN. How about being supportive of new endeavors? Nobody got anywhere without a little self promotion.

The "Show HN" post is allowed and encouraged [1], it's shame that we always see comments like that here.

[1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/showhn.html

Not always, or even close to most of the time—but the poisonous comments unfortunately stand out so much that they loom large in one's impression of these threads.

As I recall, Apache Lucene, which powers elastic search, was written so its author could organize recipes as well. I guess some people just like to cook :)

This is not the kind of comment I expect to see on HN

Normally I'd say you're being too cynical, but in this case it really does look like little more than a recipes-only (social?) bookmarking service.

At its core that mostly what it is. The project forced me to get out of my comfort zone as a programmer. I picked up 2 new language/frameoworks (rails and angular), had to learn about building infrastructure on top of aws, deep dived into elasticsearch and then pollish everything enough to get it to a "showoff-able"(word?) state.

Cool! Good for you.

I think the reactions you're getting are likely focusing on this project as a useful product or a business, not a coding exercise.

Because it's well-trod territory, with existing products that have been around for years, you're probably seeing more negativity than you would have if we all knew this was a learning project.

That said, not every step of every coder's learning process is broadly interesting to a community of people who have been programming for decades in some cases.

Usually these kinds of posts are better received when they come as a blog post about what the person's background is, what they were trying to learn, and how they felt about using those tools for the first time.

Everyone should learn to code, but not everyone should bother showing it off, apparently. /s

I mean, even if it is like you are saying "He wants to raise money" what of it ? if it is a cool idea and it helps people then by all means good luck! Don't be jealous !

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