I will likely implement that later today. Clicking on an input-side port will allow you to reconnect it to something else (or to drop the connection).
> A larger mixer component would be very useful, like 6 in to 1 out.
> Do you plan to add MIDI out?
I've thought about it. Right now, it supports MIDI play/stop/clock output, so you can synchronize it with a drum machine using the ClockOut node.
> Really cool to have a "reactor" in the browser, keep it up :)
Thank you :)
I will likely implement that later today. Clicking on an input-side port will allow you to reconnect it to something else (or to drop the connection).
> A larger mixer component would be very useful, like 6 in to 1 out.
> Do you plan to add MIDI out?
I've thought about it. Right now, it supports MIDI play/stop/clock output, so you can synchronize it with a drum machine using the ClockOut node.
> Really cool to have a "reactor" in the browser, keep it up :)
Thank you :)