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About 'information access', I think the new barrier to socioeconomic mobility is going to be misinformation and regulation.

Those who have power will do anything to keep that power; with abundant and free information, fake news and misinformation will be used to control the masses.

Probably the world will be in such a state that:

1. Most of the rules in society will not make sense but you will accept them anyway simply because everyone else accepts them and there will be a lot of myths and misinformation to justify the rules.

2. Not believing the myths and not following the rules will get you imprisoned or killed (as has typically been the case throughout human history).

I think 'government regulation' is increasingly taking the place of religious doctrine when it comes to protecting the interests of the rich and powerful. There are a lot of arbitrary laws which were introduced under some vague pretext whose real purpose is to create a moat to protect corporate interests.

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