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I’ve seen quite a lot of different teams and I have a side gig as an external examiner for CS students, and I’m not sure the real world really fits with your idea of a “high performance mentoring team”, because no one frankly seem to have a clue.

Most senior developers and teams have made choices and they’ll be able to tell you what works and doesn’t work in their shop, but that’s often not universal or even good advice for new developers.

I think the hype around kubernetes is the perfect example of how terrible experienced developers are at making decisions. I’ve seen more teams fail at it than succeed, and none of those teams, even the ones who succeeded actually needed it because their max-load didn’t ever even require them to have a load-balancer. Yet, I’ve yet to find any senior team who was sound enough to realise that they aren’t Netflix.

You won’t really get good mentorship from that. It’ll just feel like that because they are less insecure, but in reality, people aren’t actually very good.

I think the exception is if you make it into something really high end R&D, but chances are you’re already better than 99% of us if you do.

I think once you reach the point of docker-or-not you're probably beyond simple one-directional mentoring. At that point you've earned your opinion.

Mentoring is however wildly effective at helping people get to grips with tools. As an example learning django isn't particularly hard, it has a great tutorial, but I wouldn't be surprised if a junior programmer with no web framework experience would learn it twice as fast if given someone that'll answer their questions promptly.

Sounds to me like you have a biased sample. In my surroundings many of the experienced people prefer simplicity and avoid premature optimization.

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