requests_cache caches HTML requests into one SQLite database. [1] pandas-datareader can cache external data requests with requests-cache. [2]
dask.cache can do opportunistic caching (of 2GB of data). [3]
How does streamlit compare to jupyter voila dashboards (with widgets and callbacks)? They just launched a new separate github org for the project. [4] There's a gallery of voila dashboard examples. [5]
> Voila serves live Jupyter notebooks including Jupyter interactive widgets.
> Unlike the usual HTML-converted notebooks, each user connecting to the Voila tornado application gets a dedicated Jupyter kernel which can execute the callbacks to changes in Jupyter interactive widgets.
> - By default, voila disallows execute requests from the front-end, preventing execution of arbitrary code.
Acess control and resource exhaustion are challenges with building any {Flask, framework_x,} app [from Jupyter notebooks]. First it's "HTTP Digest authentication should be enough for now"; then it's "let's use SSO and LDAP" (and review every release); then it's "why is it so sloww?". JupyterHub has authentication backends, spawners, and per-user-container/vm resource limits.
> Each user on your JupyterHub gets a slice of memory and CPU to use. There are two ways to specify how much users get to use: resource guarantees and resource limits. [6]
> The reason for having a single instance running voila only is to allow non JupyterHub users to have access to the dashboards. So without going through the Hub auth flow.
> What are the requirements in your case? Voila can be installed in the single user Docker image, so that each user can also use it on their own server (as a server extension for example). [7]
requests_cache caches HTML requests into one SQLite database. [1] pandas-datareader can cache external data requests with requests-cache. [2]
dask.cache can do opportunistic caching (of 2GB of data). [3]
How does streamlit compare to jupyter voila dashboards (with widgets and callbacks)? They just launched a new separate github org for the project. [4] There's a gallery of voila dashboard examples. [5]
> Voila serves live Jupyter notebooks including Jupyter interactive widgets.
> Unlike the usual HTML-converted notebooks, each user connecting to the Voila tornado application gets a dedicated Jupyter kernel which can execute the callbacks to changes in Jupyter interactive widgets.
> - By default, voila disallows execute requests from the front-end, preventing execution of arbitrary code.
Acess control and resource exhaustion are challenges with building any {Flask, framework_x,} app [from Jupyter notebooks]. First it's "HTTP Digest authentication should be enough for now"; then it's "let's use SSO and LDAP" (and review every release); then it's "why is it so sloww?". JupyterHub has authentication backends, spawners, and per-user-container/vm resource limits.
> Each user on your JupyterHub gets a slice of memory and CPU to use. There are two ways to specify how much users get to use: resource guarantees and resource limits. [6]
Some notes re: voila and JupyterHub:
> The reason for having a single instance running voila only is to allow non JupyterHub users to have access to the dashboards. So without going through the Hub auth flow.
> What are the requirements in your case? Voila can be installed in the single user Docker image, so that each user can also use it on their own server (as a server extension for example). [7]