Keybase has a built in business model that they don't want to take advantage of for some unknown reason.
They made a combo of services that are a "more private" business dropbox, slack and git hosting, which are all business that charge money. I don't understand why they don't charge money for it? Is it because all of their implementations are currently slow and they don't want to be subject to the SLAs that businesses demand? That seems somewhat bizarre since they are solvable problems.
Hell I would like to like to pay them money for the service, in exchange for defined storage quotas (which expand in response to paying more $$$) and better performance but I can't.
I too would pay even just for more storage, and an ability to manage E2E encrypted emails through them. / .com(?) emails would be awesome, especially if it could cross-contact a protonmail email (anyone able to send emails to protonmail accounts outside of protonmail, encrypted and decrypt the responses yet? never looked into this).
> anyone able to send emails to protonmail accounts outside of protonmail, encrypted and decrypt the responses yet? never looked into this
Yes. It's dead simple. Get your protonmail keys here [0], and on the contacts page, click the cog next to the user's email address to import public keys.
They made a combo of services that are a "more private" business dropbox, slack and git hosting, which are all business that charge money. I don't understand why they don't charge money for it? Is it because all of their implementations are currently slow and they don't want to be subject to the SLAs that businesses demand? That seems somewhat bizarre since they are solvable problems.
Hell I would like to like to pay them money for the service, in exchange for defined storage quotas (which expand in response to paying more $$$) and better performance but I can't.