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> You speak of them with such disdain.

Nonsense. They're smart professionals, and probably the hardest workers in the company. Certainly the ones subject to the highest degree of pressure, which they always handle with grace.

I "speak" of the absurdity of our industry's superficial hype cycles, and forever-swinging pendulums. After you've been in the game for 20+ years, you will recognize a number of cycles and pendulums yourself. You'll go along with it, because that's part of being a professional. But you'll wonder why we're collectively unable to step back, and recognize more of these things, and not pointlessly churn so much.

However, I could write a similar comment about engineering managers and SDLC methodology trends. A similar comment about testers and quality assurance. And yes, probably a dozen similar comments about language fads and architecture patterns and trends related to developers.

I don't think any of those comments would come from a place of disdain for workers themselves. I just think that culture has shifted, and anything short of unqualified gushing praise registers as offense for many younger people. Maybe that pendulum will swing again too?

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