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Seeing it mentioned here twice, I went and checked out their website/github. What I see is lots of 20-line examples setting up a docker-container/very basic vm/aws-lambda. While typescript might have better "testability" I'm not sure, where this goes if you just copy/execute bash-scripts or inject javascript code into aws-lambda. To me it seems like it just reinvents the "classic" sys-admin but instead of writing/copying/executing bash-scripts, dev(op)s are now churning out bash-scripts wrapped in tested wrapper code - well...

In contrast ansible has a lot of declarative building blocks (iirc all are unit-tested!), which either fail or do the specified job. And yeah, the specified job might be copying and templating a config-file for some oldschool service (and you might be shocked: people still use these!), which is inherently not really testable (except by integration tests. or maybe you write a test to get the file and to check whether you got to type the name right twice) - I'm not sure how pulumi can help you with that?

And yes, I would love a concise, descriptive DSL (compare for example spack, which does this nicely) over/as an alternative to the loops-crafted-on-YAML-mess of ansible but I take the latter any day over some "we-can-call-cloud-providers-apis-and-kubernetes-but-why-would-you-copy-files?"-stuff like pulumi.

I wouldn't be "surprised" that somebody wants better instance CM. I also don't care and I can't particularly fault the Pulumi folks for putting it on the back burner too; as each of the major instance CM providers are in the process of demonstrating, it doesn't make money and is being eaten by a container-centric and pervasively disposable approach.t I've stopped caring about machines enough to write even a systemd unit file and it's a better world to live in.

You can write instance CM yourself, I'd you want. Pulumi isn't a "cloud thing", it's a lifecycle management tool. But it's typed, and that absolves it of many, many sins given the incredibly positive surface it presents to a developer.

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