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IMO bare compute isn't really the AWS value prop; if all you need is a VPS (or a non-virtual one) AWS is expensive overkill. The reason to use them is all the peripheral services, tied together with IAM[1][2].

[1] https://forrestbrazeal.com/2019/02/18/cloud-irregular-iam-is...

[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19742038

From a purely operational perspective; this is also a reason to avoid them.

If it's throwaway then sure, but building your critical infrastructure around a single provider is really bad business hygiene for the sole reason that you can never control for your dependency increasing costs arbitrarily.

Maybe that's fine for most people, people seem to optimise (or value?) developer time over basically anything else so maybe it's something that's already taken into account.

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