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Pure YAML will never DRY.


If you write procedural configurations with a real Turing Complete, but not Turing-Tarpit language like Python or JavaScript, then you don't need to repeat yourself ridiculous numbers of times, and manage thousands of lines of hand written eye-sore almost-but-not-quite-entirely-unlike-tea YAML. Plus you can implement validation, warnings and error checking, and support multiple input and output formats.

But so many DevOps dogmatically go out of their way to avoid writing any code, even when the alternative means writing a hell of a lot more brittle unmaintainable YAML where you have to carefully check every line for correctness, and make sure that you're actually repeating the same thing in every location required without any typos, and don't let any of those repetitions slip through the cracks when you make changes.

With real Turing complete code, macros, and templates, you can accomplish the same task as with pure un-DRY YAML data, much more easily and efficiently, with orders of magnitudes fewer lines of code, that you can actually understand, maintain, validate, and test, so you can be sure it actually works without meticulously checking every line of output by hand.

It's better to combine DRY combinations of different non-Turing-complete data formats like CSV, YAML, JSON, INI, XML, using the most appropriate formats depending on the type of data. Spreadsheets are much better than JSON or YAML or XML for many different kinds of data with repeating structure (so you don't repeat key names), and JSON and YAML are much better for irregular tree-shaped data (since you're not restricted to rigid structures), and XML for tree structured data and documents including text.

You end up needing different formats as input as well as output. So you need a real Turing Complete language to read them all in, combine and validate them, and shit out the various other formats required by your tools and environment.

Almost every piece of software running on Linux or Unix requires some kind of basic configuration file. Whether it's INI or YAML. You can't just 'code all the things'.

If you want an example of a dynamic configuration, look at RPM's .spec. That's a monstrosity. What you're asking for is more of that, and that's insane.

You could also use something like Python to do all your typing, build a dictionary, and just dump it to a yaml file if you think writing yaml by hand is too error prone (which I personally disagree with).

I think RPM .spec files are sunk way deep into the "Turing Tarpit" area I was referring to.


Any time you take a language like bash that's ALREADY deeply muddled in the Turing Tarpit, and then try to make up for its weaknesses by wrapping it up in yet another arbitrary syntax that you just pulled out of your ass like .spec, you're even worse off than you were when you started. Why pick a terrible language like bash that's no good for reading and writing and manipulating structured data formats like CSV, JSON, YAML, INI, or XML, and then try to "fix" it, when there are so many much better well supported off-the-shelf alternatives that don't require re-inventing the square wheel, like Python, JavaScript, or Lua?

I'm sure when RPM first came about, it was probably less of a monstrosity. But like most things in the software world, people start bolting on new features, and you have a big mess.

For most programs though, I would prefer a YAML config file. It's easy to serialize/deserialize for many languages, and you can adjust your init scripts / systemd units to spit out a new config on startup if you so choose. Or you can use something like ansible and some templates to generate that config once when you deploy your application (we're all using immutable infrastructure now, right?), although trying to template YAML files in jinja2 is a real PITA; I'd probably just write an application specific ansible module to dump out my config and skip the yaml jinja template part.

That's the really nice thing about ansible, you can make it do all sorts of interesting stuff.

https://dhall-lang.org/ No tarpit here (no Turing Completeness or recursion), and as DRY as you want.

> But so many DevOps go out of their way to avoid writing code

Well, this is the real problem, is that DevOps people should be writing code in my opinion, especially code to automate deployments and handle configuration. But many times it's just a new job label for people with the same ol' ops and sysadmin skillset who don't want to write code.

It doesn't help that when they make unmaintainable piles of configuration that nobody understands, it typically adds to their job security.

I totally agree!

There are good DevOps and bad DevOps. Personally, I'm a Dev who necessarily knows how to do Ops, because nobody else is there to put out the fires and wipe my ass for me. Good DevOps should not have such disdain for writing code, and should not be so territorial and focused on job security, and should work more closely with developers and code.

And good developers should understand operations, and shouldn't be so helpless and ignorant when it comes to deploying and maintaining systems themselves, so they can design their code to be easily configurable and dovetail into operational systems.

For the same reasons, it's also important for programmers developing tools and content pipelines for use by artists to understand how the art tools and artists work, and how to use them (enough to create placeholder programmer art to test functionality), even if they don't have any artistic ability.

And for artists and designers to have some understanding of how computers and programming works, and how to use spreadsheets and outliners and databases to understand and create specifications and configurations, so they don't design things that are impossible or extremely inefficient to implement, and make intractable demands of computers and programmers.


I'm with you on that. I come from a background of Dev and have been called DevOps (by others), although I just call myself a problem solver.

The realization that I really needed to understand what happens in operations for me came around '09, when the Xbox Operations Center called me and told me my code wasn't working, and we had such a wall between us that I couldn't see what was going on, and they couldn't describe it either.

I ended up writing automated publishing pipelines for them to take the most risky parts of their dozens of pages word doc and writing tools to do this for them automatically. Most people didn't even think this was a thing that could be done, let alone should be done. Problem solved!

I think people who are territorial are inherently insecure in their skills and therefore fear getting out of their comfort zone. Generalists are far better than specialists in my opinion. You want someone to go where the problems are, rather than people who invent new problems for others in their own little empire. I think a lot of big companies are so big they can have people silo'd all day, so people don't even think about the people and systems they are affecting.

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