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I'll take limited YAML over JSON any day of the week for things that might be edited by hand. The cleaner diffs when appending to a list alone are worth it.

True, but when the YAML file gets long and complicated, such as when a kubernetes YAML spec, it becomes difficult to figure out what indentation different items need to be at and you end up needing to use tools other than just your laptop: https://twitter.com/Caged/status/1039937162769096704?s=19

Hah, I can see my own old response to that tweet.

Anyways, as horrifying as it is, that's actually an argument in favor of XML. After all, would being lost in {} be that much better than indents? You'd still be scrambling to figure out how deep you are in a deeply nested object.

The obnoxious repetition of xml's closing elements actually helps here since you can see what object you're closing.


But I hate XML.

At this point I'm fantasizing about using heavily-sandboxed Lua and going fully Turing-complete so when your files are getting horribly complicated you can start doing some minimal reuse.

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