I can't imagine it is legal anywhere fully automated, unsupervised cars are not, even places that have supervised autonomous testing, since there is no driver at the controls. Of course, if you are someplace the public driving laws don't apply, and no private rules have yet been adopted against it, you might be okay even in jurisdictions where self-driving vehicles aren't allowed.
> I'm guessing parking lots are private property?
They are, but in CA they frequently have signs notifying that the public Vehicle Code applies and is enforced.
I can't imagine it is legal anywhere fully automated, unsupervised cars are not, even places that have supervised autonomous testing, since there is no driver at the controls. Of course, if you are someplace the public driving laws don't apply, and no private rules have yet been adopted against it, you might be okay even in jurisdictions where self-driving vehicles aren't allowed.
> I'm guessing parking lots are private property?
They are, but in CA they frequently have signs notifying that the public Vehicle Code applies and is enforced.