Just some feedback on the sale of the book (which I wanted and probably will buy).
Upon checkout you need to confirm the sale via a email sent to the email address provided by you.
I may be the exception and granted - it's basically due to a very crappy phone on which email ceased to work - but I was not able to finalize the sale since I'm not able to access my private email remotely.
I sent myself the link and will probably give it another shot from home. But you may want to take it up with the seller that there are folks out there for which this is not really a convenient way to close a sale. Especially not after entering valid credit card information.
I'll look into also putting the book on Amazon or another "ebook" website. I chose leanpub as it _is_ for books like this but if it does cause issues for people I'll explore my options on other platforms.
Thanks for letting me know and apologies for the inconvenience.
It's more an annoyance than really a problem and stick with them rather than Amazon. Leanpub looks like a nice enough bunch and you, as the author, receive most of the proceeds.
I'm probably anyway the exception nowadays not being able to access private email remotely. But what you may point out to them is that it may be worthwhile to think through their checkout process. Also for their own benefit and the benefit of other authors
As I said I sent the link to myself and if I don't forget will buy it from home.
I really like to support you and your efforts and it looks like an awesome resource for somebody using bash a lot.
I'm a bit puzzled how you've ended up with a system where you can't access email remotely. That probably took a lot more time than just creating a gmail account or even using your own domain but hooking it up to google for all the boring stuff (like, uh, making it available remotely). Although you mention "private" email so perhaps you also have "public" email which you can access - i'm not sure how I'd configure mail servers to deal with that. Back when I wasn't confident accessing email via random internet cafes etc from my phone I created several accounts and have stuck to that system; some accounts i only access when i'm sure it's safe, and others - not used for banking etc - i couldn't care less about and use from anywhere.
My phone sucks (Nokia 8110 4G, where mail conked after the first software upgrade) and working for a bank, which disallows external messaging for regulatory reasons.
Upon checkout you need to confirm the sale via a email sent to the email address provided by you.
I may be the exception and granted - it's basically due to a very crappy phone on which email ceased to work - but I was not able to finalize the sale since I'm not able to access my private email remotely.
I sent myself the link and will probably give it another shot from home. But you may want to take it up with the seller that there are folks out there for which this is not really a convenient way to close a sale. Especially not after entering valid credit card information.