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> This target is tied to a $6 billion credit line We Company secured from banks last month, that calls for an IPO to take place by the end of the year and raise at least $3 billion, one of the sources said.

> Were the New York-based company to fail to meet this target by the end of the year, it would need to secure alternative funding.

Does this mean, its now a ticking time bomb?

It definitely is.

When you read this and that Softbank has committed to buy 1/3 of the shares sold at IPO it does sound like it's going to pop sooner than later (that may include the vision fund if WeWork crashes)

I would not be surprised if Softbank's commitment ultimately changes to "we'll buy however many shares we need to buy to ensure the IPO raises at least $3B and the debt covenant is preserved".

So basically it depends on the founder / CEO to raise money to keep the burn rate up to keep the evaluation up. Stops working when the narrative changes.

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