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Hong Kong Protests Scare Away 90% of Mainland China Tour Groups (bloomberg.com)
3 points by baylearn on Sept 12, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

The problem in Hong Kong is that only Hong Kong people unite and win the final victory. The problem in Hong Kong has now spread to the whole world. China, the United States and Hong Kong have become the focus of the world. In my opinion, it is as if Dad abused his son, then the neighbors come to convince.

No, it's not the focus of the world. The US with its upcoming elections and trade wars take up a fair bit of international news.

Brexit and the political crises in the UK is another leading contender for front page news.

In the media I read, Hong Kong is only a small section of the front page, bit not the dominant news item, largely because it has been going on for so long that its beginning to have media fatigue.

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