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America’s healthcare costs are so expensive _because_ of profit-taking by middlemen. In Ontario, the providers _are_ private (my doctor runs his own business), but their rates are set by the province and he is paid for _most_ of his services by billing the province. Even when private insurance is used (e.g., for dentists), the payment rate is set by the province and not by the private insurers (they may determine how much of that they will cover, but the customary charges are set by the province).

It’s amazing how much more affordable healthcare is when obscene corporate profits aren’t part of the equation.

Which middlemen are you talking about? If you mean "private insurers", the numbers here aren't secret, and while we pay more for health benefits administration than other countries, that expense makes up a rather small part of the picture; you could bring health benefits administration to $0 and people still wouldn't be able to afford health care.

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