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It seems pretty clear to me by now that GPT-2 is not as dangerous as OpenAI thought (or claimed to think) it might be. (It may yet be as deadly as OpenAI believed it was, but we won't know until it's actually released). That's not even mentioning that it's entirely likely that it will become the first machine learning platform to win a Turing Award.

What do you think? Are you ready to get involved in the GPT-2 debate? Or do you already have your own AI platforms and don't like GPT-1? Or do you have questions and would like the community to shed light on them? Please join us in IRC at #gpt: http://gstreamer.freenode.net/?channel=gpt

Please refer to the #GPT4 thread at Wikipedia.

GPG key fingerprint: A58F D3A2 CAF7 2E0D D4A3 8CD1 C721 5FB8 2F8E 15C4


I like the drift in GPT numbers across this message.

What's the point of having a debate? GPT is proprietary IP belonging to a private company. They can release it or not as they please, regardless of whether their stated reasons are valid.

I believe that sharemywin's post is satire. It is at least, intended to appear to be gpt-generated.

Did you really mean Turing Award?

Or do you mean "pass the turing test"?

The GP comment was generated from GPT-2.

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