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And even if you use structs with the goal of avoiding allocations, the language doesn't prevent you from accidentally writing code that upcasts them to `object` (eg by calling anything that the struct inherits from `object` and isn't overridden by the struct itself.) This transparently copies the struct to a heap allocation and negates your intent.

This is not entirely true as of C# 7.2. That version of the language adds "ref structs" - which can only be allocated on the stack and cannot be boxed [1].

This requires some care though, as the struct may still be copied needlessly if it is not also marked as `readonly` [2].

[1] - https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/mazhou/2018/03/02/c-7-serie... [2] - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/write-safe-ef...

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