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Tongue in cheek comment; C was released 47 years ago and is still supported... but then again, that shows a very different philosophy between system languages and scripting languages.

It's much easier for C to be backward compatible, not because it's a system language per se but rather because it's so minimalist. You don't have problems dealing with unicode when you don't deal with unicode. You don't have a problem dealing with ranges and iterators when your most advanced looping construct is for(i = 0; i < 10; i++). Other more advanced and fully-featured system languages like C++, Rust or Go have a different story to tell and making them backward compatible comes at a significant maintenance cost.

Portability issues in C are mostly between architectures, not standard versions. The fact that "char" is normally signed on x86 but unsigned on ARM for instance is a common source of problems while porting code between these architectures. At least when you have python3 code you can be reasonably sure that it's going to run on any compliant python3 interpreter.

However, I can also still run C++98 code happily, and there has been no suggestion (AFAIK) from any major C++ compiler to remove this support.

By the way, recently I realized that what I want is a language that does less instead of doing more. After all all these niceties with ranges and iterators are just syntactic sugar. Write pythonic code and face problems when porting this algorithm to C because C has nothing of Python niceties, which stop looking so nice at this point. Write non-pythonic C-like code without classes but with `__slots__` and functions all the way down and get not only the code that can be ported much easier to C and many other languages, but, surprisingly, also the code that is much more accessible and easier to reason about.

Not really. :-)

ANSI C is very different to the whole pre-ANSI zoo of C-like languages. Most of the code I saw from that age would never compile on modern post-ANSI compilers.

Nonsense. I just compiled a pretty large project from the stone age using a modern day compiler. It required a few lines of change in all to make it compile and it ran the first time it compiled.

C has many warts and design errors but they got the portability bit down quite well, the biggest problems you will run into are assumptions by programmers rarely assumptions by the designers of the language. One major thing lots of people tripped up over was endianness (sp?).

To be fair though, in 10 years time I'll still be able to build the last release version of Python2 (quite likely using a modern-in-2029-C-compiler) and use it to run whatever stone age Python2 code in need to run.

What people seem to be getting uptight about here, is that the volunteer Python language devs have collectively chosen to not fix any bugs or security problems discovered in the older Python2 language interpreter. I can't quite get my head around what the equivalent for that in C would be? There kinda _are_ no "language security features" in C, right? C is the archetype "How powerful a gun would you like to shoot yourself in the foot with today" language.

That you could easily port an old C code to modern compilers seems doesn't seem to be in contradiction to the statement that old code will not compile as is.

A couple of lines change does not qualify as a port to me. It was less of a change than from one minor release of a modern language to another.

Prior to the ANSI standard there were many C compilers on different machines with different architectures.

Some compilers included support for architecture-specific things, like segmented memory, etc. Others allowed to do cross-function gotos. Types were not very well defined. Event the original language grammar from the book is only useful as an idea of what the language should be like, not as a proper syntax definition, I am not even talking about semantics here.

The code I had to deal with (written for 16-bit x86) had to be rewritten, it was definitely not a "fix-here-and-there" thing. It was fine, written by reasonable programmer and completely readable so I was able to understand and rewrite it in a week.

You probably were very lucky with that project of yours.

Even the way we have it nowadays C is... hard to formalise.

> I just compiled a pretty large project from the stone age using a modern day compiler.

Ok, now do the reverse. ;)

The work involved to upgrade from Python 2 to Python 3 for most things will be more like what you did (fixing a few things here and there), certainly not anywhere near as hard as what I challenged with above.

> Ok, now do the reverse. ;)

Excellent point, conceded.

But backwards compatibility is the more useful direction to me, I can see however that if your job is to take a modern day application and compile it for a platform for which there is no modern day compiler that you're going to be in a special kind of hell for a long long time if the project has any size at all.

touché :)

C is also a living language to some degree: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/wg14_document_log...

It still requires dialect selection: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-8.1.0/gcc/C-Dialect-Optio... http://releases.llvm.org/7.0.0/tools/clang/docs/UsersManual....

Not to mention that a system library is only as portable as the code you write for it, since inherently there’s usually a very small standard library of functionality that can be assumed across platforms. And all the support for systems generally rests on the system developer shipping support with C headers, etc.

Now it could be argued that C dialects are far more compatible with each other than Python 2 to Python 3, it could also be argued that linkers allow for code targeting one dialect to call code compiled for another dialect...

Once you go down that rabbit hole, though, there’s an argument that as most scripting languages are basically VMs with JIT compilation, then just like .NET and JVM, there’s nothing preventing scripting languages from inherently supporting multiple dialects via compiled intermediary representations...

But I digress... :)

That's not really a fair comparison. Python 2 probably _will_ be supported for decades to come, just not necessarily by the PSF. I'm sure that 99% of people and organizations supporting C 40 years ago do _not_ support C today.

Very few people write pre-ANSI C code today though, and the language itself was last updated in 2011.

I'm sure people wouldn't gladly accept C code written for a 47-year-old compiler today.

> the language itself was last updated in 2011

The current standard languauge is C18.


I know you're writing tongue-in-cheek, but if you look at early C code you'll find it's not really supported today. The Lions book is full of "interesting" type magic, for example.

However the best analogy for python 2to3 is probably the prototyping changes of ANSI C, and we similarly offloaded the conversion of that code to external tools (protoize(1) and unprotoize(1)).

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