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Start-Up Releases Smaller Version of Flip Camcorder (nytimes.com)
13 points by charzom on June 4, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I understand they're trying to resist feature creep to keep the device simple and easy to use, but some features don't necessary take away from the user experience. For example a longer battery life and more storage capacity don't (by themselves) make the device any harder to use.

longer battery life almost necessarily means bigger battery

more storage capacity by using an extra slot do make the device harder to use (have to figure out which panel to press, how to reorient the card, and there's a moving part -- the hinge ... allowing things to go wrong)

Pure Digital should apply the same logic to their website, which currently uses bloated/time consuming Flash to deliver their product pitch.

Click Products>Mino ... wait .... click a feature ... more waiting

Their main Product page is an Apple inspired layout/design, why not continue that throughout?

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