I read TGP, and then I started using Google's Closure compiler. What I found was that Crokford recommends a lot of his own special ways of writing JS, and that they really aren't that great. To me Crokford's book is living in a pre-Closure-Compiler world, one where JSLint was the best tool to help you write good JS code, but in a CC world, Crokford's functional inheritance and use of JSLint are bad in the former, and unnecessary in the latter.
EDIT: Inheritance Patterns in JavaScript by Michael Bolin:
I don't have his book in in front of me, but I remember him introducing and using helper function on the Object prototype to aid in inheritance.
I read his book because it holds such an authoritative place in JS literature. Last year, I began writing an application which has grown to over 6K lines of JS. At this level, pure JS become unwieldy, IMO. I went looking for a technology to help my code stay organized, optimized, and well documented. Closure Compiler was it. But since I had created my inheritance structure following Crokford's functional methodology, CC wouldn't work with it. Also, the only game in town for documenting JS, is jsDoc, in it's various incarnations. At 7K LOC, I wanted good docs for future developers. jsDoc doesn't work with functional inheritance either, strictly prototypical.
The bottom line for me is: Read the book, for sure, but if you plan on writing a large JS application, and go looking for help from a technology like CC (or maybe even DoJo), beware, that Crokford's recommendations (and they do come authoritatively) might put you in a place where you have to do a lot of refactoring down the road.
EDIT: Inheritance Patterns in JavaScript by Michael Bolin: