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Suppose you were a news outlet and suppose you were trying to maximize your company's profitability.

Clearly,when folks change the channel away from your program, your profitability goes down. So, you might do a bit of research to find out what tends to make folks change or not change the channel.

Your research could indicate that strong negative emotions, such as anger, sadness or fear tend to make the viewer fixate and not change the channel.

Finally, you might ask yourself, how should the news be presented so as to maximize profits?

In many cases, a news outlet's profitability is directly related to the amount of emotional distress it can generate in its viewers. Sure isn't something I want to support when looked at that way.

I think you got it - "If it bleeds, it leads". I can't fault them for maximizing revenues, but I'd advise everyone to avoid them, just like you'd avoid a casino or social gaming.

Why can't you fault a company for maximising revenues?

Reminds me of the Kentucky Fried Movie. During a 'commercial break' in the movie, a news caster chimes in with the headlines:

"Moscow in flames, missiles headed to New York, film at eleven"

The answer is always profit.

That doesn't make it okay or good or long termist.

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