Just a note: I do not ask to have my blog entries submitted to this site, precisely because the comments I receive here are very assumptuous and negative. I have had prior interactions with Discord which influenced the tone of my E-mail. My blog post is simply presented as-is and I really do not care what others have to say about it, but I have no control over what is submitted here. I just want people to keep this in mind should future posts of mine be submitted, before someone points out "hey, you got onto Hacker News again" and I have to be subjected to a bunch of people not getting the full picture (and even some people complaining how pink my site is... grow up).
Personally found the post interesting. I don't use Discord but I also refuse to give my number out for verification purposes - as you noted there are other ways to verify a users identity.
Hopefully you don't get too much grief for being a female on the internet with an opinion :-/
I don't capitalise on my sex/gender; I just prefer the use of neutral language when talking about anyone of unknown gender. In any case; I signed up for this when deciding to put my ideas online, and it has given me a chance to connect with a lot of nice people, despite also having to take the negative audiences along with it. I definitely am surprised that my blog attracts as much positive attention as it does; I never really wrote with the assumption that I'd have far reach. But, it's nice that others out there do care about some of the things I do.
Currently Discord doesn't require a number if you use your home IP to connect, but that could change at a moment's notice with their opaque methods of operation. I've used Tor with Discord for months without any issue until recently. So, it's probably better not to start using it now than to take that risk and be upset when they do find a reason to demand your personal information.
If you're worried about the full context not being understood, maybe add the necessary details? It doesn't have to be every possible detail, but you seem to have a clear idea of what context is missing, judging by your comment. So why not add it?
Also, if your blog isn't meant to be read by people that don't know the context of your life already, making it public seems like an odd choice, especially when you say things that might be taken the wrong way.
Also. If you really didn't care about what others said about it, why are you responding to such comments and displaying indignation? Why are you here at all?
And re: the blog being pink, do you really think it's because there's an "adults/men can't like pink" prejudice going around on this very liberal site? Or maybe it's because pink (unless done right) is like neon green: not a very aesthetic choice?
>If you're worried about the full context not being understood
>if your blog isn't meant to be read by people that don't know the context of your life already
People who have followed me online enough to have my blog in their feedreader or bookmarks, they'll all know why I'm approaching the issue how I do. You seem to blame me for your and others' eagerness to jump into discussions about things I didn't even link on here. Hacker News was never my target audience. That aside, reading the newer comments I can see a lot of people who do actually take a bit more time to see my background and develop a fuller opinion on my blog piece, so evidently I already must have all the information needed to come to an informed conclusion about what I write. Maybe it's just a problem for most people to assume ill-intent out of my writings that aren't even meant to attack anyone.
>why are you responding to such comments and displaying indignation? Why are you here at all?
If someone defames your image, you're telling me you would just shut up about it? You'd just let people keep kicking you in the gut while you're minding your own business? Again, stop excusing your negative actions.
>not a very aesthetic choice?
https://wowana.me/about.xht which is very clearly linked on the site, explains that I'm happy with the theme. It's my website; it only matters if I myself am content with how it looks. There's reader mode in many browsers now, I offer an Atom feed for consumption in a reader that strips that styling, and better yet, people like you don't have to read my site if you have nothing good to say about it.