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Homeless Man With the Golden Pipes Has Prayers Answered (thewarriorinme.com)
28 points by thewarriorinme on Jan 6, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

While it is always nice to see someone turn their life around, I'm not sure how important or appropriate stories like these are. He has a nice voice. That's a nice novelty. But the novelty will wear off.

And I can't help finding claims like "he has had his prayers answered" irritating. What about the hundreds of millions of people for whom the world who - for whatever reason - don't "get their prayers answered"? They receive only silence. And what about the brilliant scientists who put prayers aside and achieve results through exceptional diligence and creativity?

Don't get me wrong - I'm very happy for the guy. But I'm worried about what the interest in trivial feel-good stories says about our society.

I'm worried about what the interest in trivial feel-good stories says about society

In my opinion, it says that people can be compassionate and loving. It's not everyday that we hear such a heartwarming story when most news outlets report of crime and the latest celebrity gossip.

I think you are missing the point. This story gives those whose prayers aren't answered yet hope that it is possible.

This went around the net like wildfire. The original video was posted on January 3rd: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTysXITBCmk

Thnx for the original link, people are saying he is like the susan boyle of radio but i think there what Ted has achieved is much greater than anything Susan did.

I heard about this on ESPN radio today. Great story.

I admired the man's candor, admitting to drug and alcohol abuse as the reason he was against the ropes for so long.

Not much to that story other than a homeless guy that doesn't want to leave a parking lot. I was expecting worse.

i think everyone deserves a second chance if they earn it

It says a lot about the man's character and is truly an inspiring story.

Drugs ruins everything :(

Drug abuse ruins things. Drugs save the lives of a lot of people.

everything in modesty my friend

I do believe you mean moderation.

wow getting late over here, thanks for catching that {insert aim foot in mouth emoticon} lol

Especially moderation.

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