No, I'm not. Religion is a formalized system of causality about things we do not understand: the sky god wants us to eat grapes, we do not eat grapes, there are floods, therefore we must eat more grapes. It's not wrong or right, it's non-rational.
Religions know how things work, you just can't reason with them. I'm arguing from ignorance: we cannot know. My only additional point is that not only can we not know, we can not know in a billion different scenarios. Odds are many of these scenarios will work out poorly. That's the only "point of faith" my argument calls for. It seems to me to be a reasonable thing to believe.
You seem to feel that this will be a disastrous thing. It's interesting to me how people who don't see problems with AI keep insisting that there must be some huge, horrible result. If there were, as you point out, people wouldn't do it.
You also seem to assume that I'm making some sort of moral value judgment. That's interesting to me as a drug-legalization, open-borders libertarian. I wonder what sorts of morals I am supposed to be having?
No morals or religion is required to understand my argument. We humans work as best we can in various-sized social groups based on each of our understandings of cause-and-effect, as flawed as it all is. If we change that in a massive way, the obvious conclusion is that we cannot continue to reason about the results, not that they would be morally good or bad. Then, it logically follows that for whatever definition of good or bad you have, moral, utilitarian, whatnot, there's going to be a lot of bad things happen for which our society has no prior experience. That doesn't seem workable to me.
We gotta stop expecting these arguments to play out in some grand fashion. Boundless optimism vs. religious fear might be a great plot for a movie, but it's highly doubtful the future is going to play out like that at all.
Do you have a blog? If so you should consider writing a post that synthesizes your last few comments in this thread - AI, democracy, and religion. I say that, selfishly, because I would quite like to read it.
1. you're tilting at windmills here, I gave no opinion on what I think the result of AI will be.
2. You didn't understand the comparison to religion.
You could literally take your arguments and reskin them as religious points.
One could even imagine this exact discussion happening when humanity first discovered drugs. Because they feel good all of humanity will eventually be hooked on them, yada yada yada. Only that presupposes that there's no value in procuring the drugs themselves, because the second you have to have a certain segment of the population procuring those drugs you have people who: 1) have a lot of power, and 2) have a reason for existing outside of simply taking drugs. In other words, the argument is a contradiction itself.
Now, if an external force had been able to get all of humanity hooked on drugs in a very short amount of time (and takes care of the procurement), then the predictions would be possible because procuring the drugs is no longer valuable for humanity.
The dangers of AI are not that we're slowly going to lose ourselves as we all become mindless zombies watching entertainment. The danger is that, like the drug example, those who procure AI are going to have a lot of power, and if AI itself ever becomes independent of humanity then we could lose all control over our own destiny.
And to loop this back to the religion comparison, there are always people in this world wanting to impress their worldview on others. Which is why your arguments can be reskinned so easily as religious arguments. They use the same techniques you're using here.
Religions know how things work, you just can't reason with them. I'm arguing from ignorance: we cannot know. My only additional point is that not only can we not know, we can not know in a billion different scenarios. Odds are many of these scenarios will work out poorly. That's the only "point of faith" my argument calls for. It seems to me to be a reasonable thing to believe.
You seem to feel that this will be a disastrous thing. It's interesting to me how people who don't see problems with AI keep insisting that there must be some huge, horrible result. If there were, as you point out, people wouldn't do it.
You also seem to assume that I'm making some sort of moral value judgment. That's interesting to me as a drug-legalization, open-borders libertarian. I wonder what sorts of morals I am supposed to be having?
No morals or religion is required to understand my argument. We humans work as best we can in various-sized social groups based on each of our understandings of cause-and-effect, as flawed as it all is. If we change that in a massive way, the obvious conclusion is that we cannot continue to reason about the results, not that they would be morally good or bad. Then, it logically follows that for whatever definition of good or bad you have, moral, utilitarian, whatnot, there's going to be a lot of bad things happen for which our society has no prior experience. That doesn't seem workable to me.
We gotta stop expecting these arguments to play out in some grand fashion. Boundless optimism vs. religious fear might be a great plot for a movie, but it's highly doubtful the future is going to play out like that at all.