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Also, it will snark on you to all contacts whenever you move to a new device. And plead with you to let it handle your ordinary sms texting, then hold your text messages hostage, not exportable back to any other app.

It doesn't plead. It asks one time. At least on Android. I said no and it has never asked me again.

It asked me a number of times. And it never warned that this was a oneway process.

Idle curiosity: The above is a report of fact as observed by me. It's not really up for discussion - this is what happened. Could someone for our edification explain a bit about the reasoning behing their downvotes? Other than my having sinned in the church of moxie and his true disciple tptacek.

Do you mean "nark"? "Snark" is when you use humor to pick at someone or something. "Narking" is being a tattle-tale.

Yes, that was a late-night typo.

Interested, although not surprised, to see my factually indisputable comment getting massively downvoted.

I've never understood the culture with that on HN. I probably never will.

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