Tron 2.0 and some other games by the same studio (No one lives forever?) had "reinforcement buttons" that roughly doubled a monster spawn when one of the first group managed to access the button. Still a far cry from the "direct reinforcements to the rear of the player" option that would end any playthrough quite fast, but a very satisfactory repeated sub-goal.
Project IGI had local and global alarm systems. E.g. with two bases on the map, alerting the first base would spawn a massive number of soldiers (a regenerating pool of 4-~15 soldiers) and some other stuff, e.g. tanks, while increasing patrols in or around the second base or turn NPCs from an idle pose to a searching pose.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey (and perhaps others in the series) has a brazier on top of each fort that occupants try to reach and light to signal for reinforcements if you're spotted.
It encourages stealth, or at least stealthily reaching the brazier first to set a trap.