If you check where Firefox was 10 years ago to where it's now you can see the trend. It still continues. In the last year, Firefox lost more than 10% of its market share. A component of this is probably Firefox not being able to capture growth of the entire market, but the trend also holds for the absolute number of users: 890 million YAUs in Jul 2018 vs 809 YAUs in Jul 2019. In the long term view, Firefox is dying.
Neither of those charts go back far enough because if they did you'd see this has all happened before, and even worse at one point. When IE was taking over the world FF fell to <5% of the market, yet it survived. It's not dead until its dead and with Chrome killing off ad-blockers I bet we'll see some reversal of the current trends when that ships.
By the same reasoning, Internet Explorer should have killed off Firefox ages ago. Except that never happened and instead it is IE that died. Firefox has plenty of supporters and a rich development community; it won't go away any time soon.
There are enough of them to keep Mozilla going indefinitely and they are doing some truly amazing stuff like using Rust to get massive performance boosts. Mozilla and Firefox have set the agenda technically for close to two decades. Everybody does tabs now. I remember when that was a Mozilla only thing. Extensions were a Mozilla only thing for a long time now. Even Safari has extensions now. The new focus on security and privacy started at Mozilla and is now being copied by others (Brave, Edge, Safari) while Google is moving to kill ad blockers and continues to sell users out to their advertisers.
If you check where Firefox was 10 years ago to where it's now you can see the trend. It still continues. In the last year, Firefox lost more than 10% of its market share. A component of this is probably Firefox not being able to capture growth of the entire market, but the trend also holds for the absolute number of users: 890 million YAUs in Jul 2018 vs 809 YAUs in Jul 2019. In the long term view, Firefox is dying.