It's really the humanity of the books that gets me. Division by Zero is one of his pieces that I find myself thinking about all the time for that very reason. It just captures this somberness about how relationships can grow and change and sometimes end.
I do now have a Ted Chiang shaped hole in my life after finishing his collections. I just haven't found another author that really gets into the heart of what sci-fi can be.
Try Greg Egan's Axiomatic. I picked it up from a free books charity knowing nothing about it, and found the author to be a little "harder" than Chiang but with the same focus on the humanity to be found in sci-fi.
You could try reading something from Jorge Luis Borges. It may not be as sci-fi-y, generally more in the atmosphere of "Tower of Babylon", but great in its treatment of human nature and its relationship with universe.
Links to Amazon pages? I almost exclusively follow software engineering books since 2012 when I started my career as SWE. Had little knowledge in outside areas...
Anyone with an interest in technology and humanity will find them to be a phenomenal read.