We(HN commenters) all know that the demonization of encryption is bullshit. What we need to do is to figure out how to communicate that effectively to the public.
"Authorities want every house in America to be remodeled to include a second front door with a special government lock. They promise to only give police departments, contractors, and/or federal employees access to the single master key that can be instantly and easily copied and shared over the internet and opens every single house and business in America. Even if we trusted the government with this power, how could that go wrong?"
You could say the same about a hypothetical encryption backdoor. The question is whether consumers should be allowed to use encryption the FBI can’t crack even with a warrant. I think the answer is “yes”, but…
Right, which is why the locked door is the wrong analogy.
It's more like burying treasure. The location is a secret map (key) that only you know. The critical distinction here, I believe, is between "having" and "knowing".
And I like to believe we have even stronger rights to what we know than to what we have.
All that said, this is assuming use of working cryptography. With the exception of the technically savvy (those who know how to hid things properly) asking for backdoors into encryption is akin to registering your treasure with the feds, something I'd assume gold miners wouldn't have put up with, for example.
I didn't do a good enough job with the analogy. The main problem I want to illustrate is that if the key falls into the wrong hands (which is extremely easy to do), then anyone else can easily enter anyone's home.
There are two main issues: government abusing its power, and weakening security of everybody. I meant to focus more on the second.
I think there are different counters that will resonate for different people:
You can oppose banning/weakening encryption because you believe encryption is an irreplaceable tool for security.
You can oppose banning encryption because you believe that would actually be an ineffective tactic for preventing crime.
You can oppose banning encryption because you believe such bans violate inherent civil liberties.
There's another one that's really hard for me to explain -- You can oppose banning encryption because you've read Shannon or have a general sense of how RC4 worked and it feels just gross to ban basic operations, like shuffling information in a particular way. It's a bit like banning addition, or like banning pig latin.
I hear rebuttals and debates around the first three, but I don't think there's an effective rebuttal to the last one, which is just a paradigm shift. It's like, "I don't support this because I do not understand information the way you do."
Maybe we should print copies of "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" and leave them in hotel rooms, like the Gideons do with Bibles.
In part, we need a better lobby, or more lobbyists, who can break down what the real issues are and effectively explain those to Congress and the government.
Though, this reeks of the Executive branch making a scapegoat out of tech to distract from the gun industry, just like getting Walmart to pull game adverts and talking about "red flag" laws.
Unfortunately, the public response to this will be "Do you not support law enforcement, who risk their lives for our safety?" Sometimes it feels like we've elevated the common cop to a superhuman status.
And gun owners know the demonization of guns is bullshit. Perhaps we could find common cause against government - mandated disarmament instead of trying to shift the blame elsewhere?
We can't expect layman and ordinary people to understand the real consequences and implications of the misinformation and misleading from government and corporations involved in surveillance.
We on HN and every one that really understand the matter will need to keep fight for ourselves and others.
But I believe trying to find a answer to your question a great exercise that contributes very much. I just don't have a good answer.
Maybe something like, they cant even keep our PII safe... what di you think will happened with our key