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Unobtrusive is far from what the moderation here is on Hackernews. They literally have to moderate as a regular comment. Thus, being obtrusive and breaking their own rules. You might not have noticed it, but me, being a "bad" member, gets the moderation comments all the time and I definitely find them obtrusive. I'd rather just get downvotes from members, like the site should be, instead of comments from dang.

> being a "bad" member

why don't you strive to be a "good" member? Try autogenic training! (why not?) If you say, "Life is suffering. Life is not happiness. Best you figure that out now." it will influence/overtake you. Try the opposite :-)

I'm a bad member according to some users who down vote me. I do strive to be a "useful" member and post what I think is conversation. Some disagree and down vote. I like to be "devil's advocate in life". Does that make me wrong? No, it's helpful to have arguments and converse. Life is great. Not sure why you think I'm depressed. If you are pulling an old comment of mine, it was context based not my life philosophy. :)

PS My original comment here is being downvoted into oblivion. One of my points is made by this gesture.

dang's job is to be obtrusive when you're posting comments that aren't useful…

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