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It’s not this story, it’s a global feature on both comments and stories which serves as a “undo” for fat fingering the upvote button. Before this feature you’d often see comments along the likes of “sorry, I accidentally downvoted you while trying to upvote.”

One great improvement of UI for HN, don't ask me how often I fat fingered before.

Strongly agreed. I fat-finger quite badly when browsing HN from mobile device; this improvement let me finally stop reflexively pinch-zooming the upvote button before pressing it.

I fat-finger a lot, especially on mobile where these tiny little arrows are a challenge. And one thing I notice is that since both the arrows disappear, you're never quite sure if you did. You have to question your fat fingers yourself, and if you're unsure, Undo gives you the option to take a second shot. But you're never entirely sure.

> And one thing I notice is that since both the arrows disappear, you're never quite sure if you did. [...] But you're never entirely sure.

The undo link says "unvote" when you upvoted, and "undown" when you downvoted. And yeah, after every single click on one of these arrows, I check the undo link to make sure I clicked the right one.

I must admit I never noticed that! Apparently I don't downvote often.

The more you know - Thanks!

Ah, I see. Thanks for the explanation.

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