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Does that apply to the rest of paper as well?

Taking your question at face value, yes, and it’s true of every private news company. They are first and foremost entertainers, and even those who hold themselves out as agents of change require a large audience.

Read Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" if you want to know what motivates media companies. (Spoiler: Advertisers first and foremost)

It applies to nearly every organization that's been advertising itself as news for easily the last 20+ years.

They are all - every last one of them - suddenly nothing but editorial opinion and entertainment as soon as they show up in a courtroom.

Not sure why the downvotes. If a news provider can’t promise to try to tell the truth in a legally binding way, but just claims to be editorializing, it’s no wonder there is so much public distrust of the news.

> If a news provider can’t promise to try to tell the truth in a legally binding way

which news provider does this?

You see the point then...

> to tell the truth in a legally binding way

feels like these two are mutually exclusive

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