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MQTT: A Conceptual Deep-Dive (ably.io)
265 points by rchaudhary on July 25, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 56 comments

One of the best features of MQTT that is often overlooked is that the topics are created on the fly and also destroyed on the fly. The protocol does not require the server to maintain topics lists (assuming no retained messages). The server therefore scales based on the throughput and the number of clients (and their subscriptions) but not the size of the topic tree. The topic tree designer is therefore free to use enormous topic spaces with billions of topics if they so desire.

It's also a bad feature for bandwidth-constrained or low-power devices since it requires sending the whole topic string with every message. That's why MQTT-SN, and now MQTT 5, allow registering a topic string -> smaller ID mapping and then using the ID for messages at the expense of persistent state on both ends.

I've avoided MQTT-SN (and consequently have limited MQTT to high power segments of our stack, yes a phone is high power) due to lack of robust implementations. If that changes then I'd reconsider.

If you follow the minutes of the MQTT TC at OASIS, after the release of MQTT v5 there is now talk of formalising the MQTT-SN spec in a similar fashion, that should lead (in time) to more robust implementations.

I once had a client where the only port available for me to use on their firewalls was for MQTT (1883) because that's how we were getting sensor data from them. They would not open anything else for us no matter how we implored them so I wrote a live TCP wrapper over MQTT to get around it. It was a local multithreaded TCP daemon that listened for outbound requests on a certain port, wrapped them in MQTT and then published them using a unique topic. The server daemon would detect these topics and unwrap them before forwarding to our server processes. So the client machine thought it was making a live TCP connection to our server but in the middle was a funky invisible MQTT wrapper. It was really elegant once it worked but my goodness was it a pain to debug - a couple of months before I got the whole thing right because of all the blind alleys I went down.

Open sourced it?

Sadly not - the code belongs to the company I worked for. I should cleanroom it from scratch and open source it.

I personally have found the following blog posts extremely helpful in learning about MQTT: https://www.hivemq.com/tags/mqtt-essentials/

Also, the spec is actually pretty readable: http://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v3.1.1/os/mqtt-v3.1.1-o...

Note: I'm not affiliated with HiveMQ.

That's a really good series of blog posts. Thanks.

Having tried recently to implement a good MQTT library for embedded devices from scratch (there is surprisingly none which can actually do async message delivery) I found the protocol to have a surprising amount of shortcomings. I found the biggest one to be about the actual reliability of QoS1/2 transfers due to how sessions and message IDs work:

Each message in MQTT carries a 16bit message ID. There protocol allows for retries of message delivers for QoS1/2, but in revised specifications limits to allow retries only if the session got disconnected.

Now this opens the question what a client should actually do when it does not get a ACK in a certain timeframe? Since retries are not allowed, an alternative is to close the connection. That allows for resending this message, but opens up other problems. First of all reconnecting when only a single message timed out introduces a huge overhead, which is not what we want for small connected devices.

In addition to that there exists an issue with the persistent session feature, which requires the client and server to track all message IDs across connection attempts. This has the implication that if a client does not get an ACK for a certain message ID it can never reuse the ID - even not with reconnects (assuming clean_session=false).

The tiny 16bit message ID space also requires clients to remember sent messages and prevents it from easily dropping/cancelling pending transmissions if they are outdated or superseded. The server might still respond to those IDs, and if we send a new message with the same ID there exists ambiguity. So technically the client would need to track all used message IDs until they are ACKd. This might be never, and is not reasonable for a small IoT device. Common clients just ignore the problem and reuse message IDs whenever convenient, which means they are actually not reliable. A bigger address space would have made the problem going away by being able to utilize unique IDs. But with the current spec it seems hard to really provide reliability on non-ambiguity utilizing the MQTT QoS guarantees.

So thereby the conclusion was that there is no way to provide real reliability with the defined QoS classes on MQTT, since that would not allow for ambiguity.

From my point of view the best way to add reliability on top of MQTT is to add a custom reliability layer on the application layer and just use QoS0 transmissions. Those work somewhat better.

Depending on the application a different protocol (fully custom, HTTP long polling with a persistent connection, Thrift, grpc, etc) might also be a reasonable choice.

I'm pretty ignorant on this topic, but shouldn't retrying and missing messages be handled by the TCP layer? You don't want multiple network layers be doing the same work after all

Yes, TCP already guarantees reliable byte streaming. However messages can get lost on higher levels: Some MQTT libraries or brokers will drop messages if they are out of memory of some internal queue is full. Or the application level software does the same or forgets to explicitly ACK a message (some MQTT libraries delegate all ACK sending to the user, and don't handle it in the library). In those cases the remote peer would want need to handle the missing ACK in a reasonable fashion.

We can learn from the mechanisms applied by the TCP layer for reliable end to end packet transmission and adapt those mechanisms at application layer for reliable message delivery. For example, for any pair of applications that need to send/receive messages, they can efficiently keep track of sequential message ids that have been transmitted, and acknowledged, yet to be acknowledged, via a windowing mechanism. Then stop transmitting and wait for acks when the unack'ed message window is full, have timeout for these waits and reset the windows to recover and retransmit. We can have performance statistics that provide visibility without much fuss.

You might be interested in RSocket: http://rsocket.io/

Can someone justify MQTT over HTTP and WebSockets?

Before you jump down my throat, I've used all three protocols to a fair degree. MQTT was the most painful, and without strong justification, what's the point? I always read a bandwidth usage justification, but if that's the case, someone should be able to tell me the number of overhead bytes saved using MQTT over WebSockets.

A quick comment based on our experience. We have been providing a proprietary messaging server based on WebSockets and HTTP Streaming for many years now, mainly used for financial trading, online betting, and aerospace. The increased popularity of MQTT in recent years pushed us to find some good points of contact between MQTT and our well established practices to deliver real-time data through the Internet. Simply tunneling MQTT over WebSocket didn't seem to be enough in some scenarios (perhaps corner cases, perhaps not, we don't know yet). In particular, what is completely lacking in MQTT (and in MQTT over WebSockets) is the ability to throttle and resample the data on the fly based on the available bandwidth. To make a long story short, we decided to "add" this and other features to MQTT by creating a gateway that transparently remaps MQTT over our proprietary but open protocol (TLCP). The result is a solution that exposes very standard MQTT API (Mosquitto-like), but is much more Internet-friendly than MQTT over WebSockets (both for throttling and other reasons, which I don't list here to keep it short).

In this Dzone article we explain a bit more about adaptive throttling: https://dzone.com/articles/mqtt-throttling-data

Decoupling between publishers and subscribers is the biggest one. Being able to store messages while consumer is down. Last will messages are very convenient. Ability to authorize on topic level.

All of that is very useful in my use case (networking and IoT equipment in the middle of nowhere in rough conditions that can go down a fair amount).

MQTT is interesting for IoT devices. Theses devices are low power, low memory, low speed, may have intermittent connections.

The alternative to MQTT wouldn't be HTTP or WebSockets, but actual sockets.

MQTT is simple to implements and doesn't require much performance. Many of its implementations don't support its QoS feature that retries because the embedded processor doesn't have enough memory.

Both MQTT and HTTP are built on top of TCP sockets.

A HTTP client can be implemented by hand with just a few examples in a few hours. I was unable to do the same with MQTT.

Sure an HTTP client can be done, but you won't get the functionalities of MQTT and you'll have to support it yourself.

MQTT is always on and it's bidirectional. The client can both listen to the server and talk to it. You sure can do that using some kind of push/pull over HTTP but that's going to be costly. You can sure do HTTP long polling, but that's most probably contains code smell.

MQTT can be used simply to broadcast something, which is quite useful in the IoT world. You got a data that has changed, another client can easily get it and do something with it (either log it, show it, or change its behaviour based on it). Again something that you'll have to implements over HTTP.

> A HTTP client can be implemented by hand with just a few examples in a few hours.

If an implementation for it already exists (and most likely than not it does) you are better of with using it than rewriting it.

Sure you can't do it in hours, but MQTT is simple enough that there's already an implementation for you somewhere. Though seeing this source code, I'm pretty sure it can be pulled off in hours still [1].

[1] https://github.com/knolleary/pubsubclient/blob/master/src/Pu...

This is a much better argument than your first comment.

For a persistent connection, you might want to move from HTTP to WebSockets, which also brings the bidirectional quality and some more of the pub/sub qualities. Though WebSockets' complexity compared to just HTTP is similar to MQTT.

Being able to implement the protocol yourself is less something I would do in production and more a comment on how easy a protocol might be to grok.

I wouldn't expect to implement my own WebSockets client. So this and the relative overlap of features puts MQTT and WebSockets in the same bucket for me (far more so than MQTT and a raw socket).

Summarizing my views: MQTT seems as opaque as WebSockets without the benefits of being built on a very common protocol (HTTP) and being used in industries beyond just IoT. The main benefits proponents of MQTT argue for (low bandwidth, small libraries) don't seem particularly true in comparison to HTTP and WebSockets.

> built on a very common protocol (HTTP) and being used in industries beyond just IoT.

For use case beyond IoT, sure use everything else, but MQTT is great specifically for IoT. It's like saying x86 is better than others 32 bits architectures used by microcontroller because it's used in industries beyond embedded. What is used in embedded make sense for embedded only. If your needs are beyond that, go beyond.

> I wouldn't expect to implement my own WebSockets client. So this and the relative overlap of features puts MQTT and WebSockets in the same bucket for me (far more so than MQTT and a raw socket).

I wouldn't consider even implementing a WebSockets client. I would consider porting the 600 lines of that library I linked though. Would you consider porting that librarie instead [1].

> don't seem particularly true in comparison to HTTP and WebSockets.

I use MQTT over my ESP8266 devices. That thing has 96 KB of RAM and 4 MB of flash memory. Sure Websocket can works on it, sure you can write an HTTP server on it, but in comparison, the library I linked is 600 lines of code, is simple to use and does everything that is needed of IoT really simply.

Even if you were to try to replicate that in WebSocket, you would still have to add a way to broadcast that information easily instead of simply having another client that subscribes to the same server and listen to the topic you publish to.

[1] https://github.com/Links2004/arduinoWebSockets/tree/master/s...

> What is used in embedded makes sense for embedded only

Certainly, with that attitude. Personally, I fight that mentality when I can. The reason to lean on technology that is used in multiple disciplines is to increase the pool of viable programmers. If it's the wrong tool, then it's the wrong tool. But otherwise use the tool that the most can use.

On porting libraries...well, the WebSockets client I play with is only 60 lines. So, I don't know, you tell me: https://github.com/danni/uwebsockets/blob/esp8266/uwebsocket...

And yeah, that's micropython (because I love inviting the wrath of embedded developers). But that will run on your ESP8266 just fine. I use the D1 mini :)

You're definitely right on having to implement more of the pub/sub on your WebSockets server. I misspoke in saying WebSockets gives you those qualities.

> Certainly, with that attitude. Personally, I fight that mentality when I can. The reason to lean on technology that is used in multiple disciplines is to increase the pool of viable programmers. If it's the wrong tool, then it's the wrong tool. But otherwise use the tool that the most can use.

Which is my point, the right tool in that case is one that fit on the memory footprint of an embedded microcontroler.

> On porting libraries...well, the WebSockets client I play with is only 60 lines.

Theses 60 lines does almost nothing. You ignore the 240 lines inside protocol.py just beside. You also ignore the 600 KB binary required for MicroPython. Already you simply CAN'T run on an ESP8266 that's only embedded with 512 KB (so can't be run on any of my ESP-01 module).

That does make me think though that the Websocket protocol is quite simpler than I though, but if I were to use it, I would plainly do a socket connection instead which would be even more simple.

> I use the D1 mini :)

Sure with one big enough, but we are talking about embedded, where resources are scarce. Running Micropython is a luxury for many embedded developers.

Yeah, I did miss the import from protocol.py. I knew it couldn't be just 60 lines but got excited and hit enter. Regardless, to your earlier point, I don't dig into the protocol's details often and just rely on the library.

Micropython and this WebSocket client DO run on the ESP8266. As noted before, I'm using these libraries on a D1 mini. I don't know the specifics of the memory footprint as I stay away from applications where I'm up against the wall of my device's capabilities. But the point stands that there's plenty enough space on the ESP8266 for the glorious luxury of micropython.

(At first I thought you were asking about MQTT-over-websockets, but you're actually asking about MQTT vs websockets.)

I believe MQTT implementations tend to be smaller, which is why it's popular for IoT devices. Both HTTP and WebSockets are much more diverse specs, so a generally available implementation might have a lot of features the device never uses but still occupy disk and memory (multiple kinds of headers and their semantics, data encodings, etc).

I have to question the overall quality of the article when it repeatedly uses the term "channel" to refer to the well-established concept of a "topic" in MQTT.

I'm not very knowledgeable about MQTT specifically, but it seems like fair game considering the protocol spec (https://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v5.0/mqtt-v5.0.html) uses the term channel:

> Topic Name

> The Topic Name identifies the information channel to which Payload data is published.

I have to question your overall understanding of the topic of message passing. Channels are a well-established concept in messaging.

> 0 = at most once = server fires and forgets — messages may be lost or duplicated

Isn't "at most once" a misnomer ? By definition if it is at most once it is not duplicated.

Yes, the article is wrong. A QoS 0 message is never resent by a well-behaved sender, so it could not be duplicated. It might not even leave the sender's network stack if the connection was broken before the send attempt.

"Designed for at most once, at least once and exactly once message delivery"

Exactly once message delivery cannot be guaranteed from a theoretical point of view (if it does exist then the Two Generals Problem can be solved, which has been proven to not have a solution). I don't know how MQTT can get around that, especially in an environment where transient network issues are expected.

[Edited] Two Generals does not apply since it deals with the problem of guaranteeing that two parties agree on the exact same consistent state after a finite amount of time/messages. MQTT's "exactly once" delivery is basically an eventually consistent mechanism -- it just guarantees that the message is eventually delivered to the broker which then does some simple deduplication. Eventually may be infinite. So, no violation of the space time continuum here...

In other words, MQTT's exactly once delivery conceptually works as if the server would store a big hashmap of all message IDs it has seen once and the rejecting any duplicates using that hashmap. The client the simply keeps retrying with the same message ID forever. This guarantees that the message is received by the server "exactly once". The actual protocol is more involved, but the details are basically just an optimization to prevent the server from having to keep around the "received messages" hashmap forever.

The problem that you're thinking of that MQTT of course doesn't solve is that it is impossible to perform any externally visible action (such as moving an actuator, storing a record into another database system or detonating a bomb) "exactly once" in the general case when you take into account the possibility of failures in between the two steps of performing the action and storing the information that you have performed it. You can either first commit and then perform the action, which means you can not safely retry after having failed between the commit and performing the action, because you might have already performed it ("at most once"). Or you can first perform the action and then commit, potentially redoing the action after a failed commit ("at least once"). There is, conceptually, no way around this unless we get help from the environment, such as an atomic perform+commit primitive. To see how this relates to two generals, think about the exchange of the "performed" bit between the external system and the storage as an exchange of messages that can be lossy. We can not come up with any algorithm that guarantees that the external system and the storage always agree on the state of the performed bit after any finite number of steps.

It's worth noting that this guarantee also only applies to messages between a client and broker. The protocol does not guarantee messages are consumed, only that they reached the broker. So if guaranteed delivery of a specific message to consumers is something you need MQTT tends not to be a good fit as you have to build application layer acknowledgements on everything.

Clients can choose to ignore multiple deliveries of the same message. They keep the message id around until they get an acknowledgement from the server that it won't be sending any more of that message. This is part of the protocol.

What it doesn't really guarantee is the order, which requires even more clever programming and more network exchanges.

Well, there's a confirmation sequence that's basically a three-phase commit.

A QoS 2 flow is 2-phase (Publish and PubRec being the first phase and PubRel and PubComp being the second).

But that would mean they solved a theoretical and/or practical problem in a practical way and who does that?


MQTT may take infinite time to deliver a message on an unreliable network, plus you assume error detection is perfect. I think this is why it doesn't violate two generals.

Even with the 3-phase commit, almost every production MQTT broker sacrifices the "exactly once" requirement to achieve reasonable performance.

I'm not sure this statement is accurate. Certainly the MQTT broker I work on (IBM WIoTP Message Gateway) and a number of our competitors support QoS 2 in production (though I am aware a number of brokers don't support it).

I imagine there are servers that drop QoS 1 or 2 messages that never complete the protocol after X amount of time, so that they don't keep consuming resources indefinitely.

MQTT 5 standardizes this by adding a message expiry interval field, though even there it's opt-in by the publisher and defaults to forever.

Hi, interesting article.

Anyone care to expound on this part:

>>> and without any way to distinguish a deliberate disconnection from a transient network issue

Because MQTT is optimized for low-bandwidth environments, it only has a limited number of error responses. Therefore, when a connection has been established, there is no way to distinguish a network issue from a forced disconnect.

that is not strictly true for the statement in the article. Deliberate disconnects can be identified by implementing tombstoning, in which a connected node sends an epitaph message to the channel prior to disconnecting.

You are talking on the phone. The line goes dead. Were you hung up on or was the call dropped? Either way, you aren't talking to anyone anymore so your messages aren't getting through.

This isn't a great analogy. Telephony has a well defined way to determine disconnect origin. Using SIP it's quite easy to determine the direction a bye comes from.

I think you missed the point because it's irrelevant if Telephony has the capability. MQTT does not and there is no way to send a message once disconnected (Telephony included). The best you can do is preemptively say, "Do X if I get disconnected". X could be "Reconnect if not intentional" but if it was a network issue, you might perceive the lack of reconnects as an intentional hangup when really its network issues. Going back to the OP, MQTT has no way to distinguish intentional vs unintentional disconnects from the client(subscriber) prespective.

Are you referring to the "will" feature of the protocol (as in 'last will and testament') in which the server sends a message to a topic on the client's behalf because it disconnected, or are you referring to the client simply sending a message before disconnecting as a definition of the client's behavior?

Yes, but that is not defined by the protocol. MQTT does not have such a mechanism. That’s a custom solution.

To clarify on the last will, as there was a comment here (and a downvote to my parent comment, thanks for that, by the way...), comment since then deleted.

Last will is given to the broker at connect time. It doesn’t tell the broker that a disconnect is / isn’t deliberate. Last will has nothing to do with the reasoning for disconnect. It tells the broker what to do in case of a disconnect.

It's highly annoying when you get downvoted so close to 500 where you earn the coveted ability. Furthermore, you are correct so enjoy some karma :)

Clients can optionally send a DISCONNECT packet to signal that they intend to disconnect. However there is no equivalent for the server. So if a server drops the connection, the client will only find out when it sends its next PING or other packet.

Edit: Also, it's worth noting that MQTT 5 greatly expands on the error reasons that the server can send to the client if it wants to indicate precisely why it's dropping the client.

Oh hey, I work with Andy Stanford-Clark

What's the relation of this to Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)?

To answer my own question, it looks like MQTT has a slightly higher power usage due to the TCP/IP-based connection (though still a much more compact header than HTTP). Both offer notification mechanisms, but BLE can only do "one master (e.g. iPhone) to many slaves (e.g. some IoT devices)" connections. MQTT can be done via Wi-Fi, Ethernet, serial etc., but even over BLE.


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