The fine-grained control is nice but still seems like a glaring omission that the Mac still isn’t “tethering-aware” with regard to conserving data — especially since it’s so seamless to connect to an iPhone that shares the same iCloud account.
Thanks! Do you know if there's a free app? I don't need fine-grained control, just a metred/unmetred switch, and it feels excessive to pay $8 for that.
macOS's APIs and developer docs don't really encourage checking for cellular vs wifi the way iOS's do. So you probably do need relatively fine-grained control to get the same effect, as the vast majority of processes will assume the network connection is either fully up or fully down.
The fine-grained control is nice but still seems like a glaring omission that the Mac still isn’t “tethering-aware” with regard to conserving data — especially since it’s so seamless to connect to an iPhone that shares the same iCloud account.