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Do any of those generate web apps that are accessible and browser-friendly? I am quite aware of the fact that you can run desktop apps in a web window. Will have to investigate Blazer and Qt.

Could you elaborate on what you mean by "browser-friendly"?

I would assume you actually meant "accessible and mobile-friendly", in which case the answer to that is generally "nothing does that". You need frameworks or libraries (not languages or compilers) if you want something that just does it for you.

Qt works really well with WebAssembly. However, you lose accessibility features and the browser's native text search won't work (as expected).

Investigating Blazor now. It's very rough around the edges but is no less accessible and browser-friendly than React and friends.

Well, the original comment was about bringing Flash back and Flash isn't exactly mobile friendly.

Actually what many are unaware of is that for a couple of years Adobe still had Flash for mobile devices via an AOT compiler to native code, as means to address iOS as target.

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