Perhaps, though I would call it a converse or inverse rather than an opposite. Either are close relations. You can't be a thing's opposite unless the two of you share a lot together. North has more in common with South than it does with East.
Yeah. The intriguing thing about knowledge and the study of it, epistemology, is that once discovered, it doesn't just go away. It sets the world on fire and burns away cruft.
Bullshit can be seen as both the cruft that gets burned away by true knowledge, or the fire that demolishes old ways of understanding, however true. To see it the other way, imagine attacking the hegemony of the Catholic Church with incisive bullshit.
Small societies have their reactions to the larger one and the veins of bullshit they'll propound onto the larger. By the time you or I see a particular incarnation, it's already been through numerous iterations. We can't have witnessed the genesis of Pizzagate, but we know that idea has to have one and the subsequent generations until it reached final, grotesque, form.
These ideas are self-defense weapons, shields against an onslaught of 'liberal' ideology.