In our case we will try our best to push out at least the private beta of a Web app we have been working on for a couple of months in-house. We have a working, semi-functional alpha already which we are using internally, but we're really hoping for a more completed feature set for the private beta.
I'm optimizing the background services that do all the real work on Playtomic, and refining them a little. Two down, three to go.
Then I'm going to go and add error catching to one obsolete component of the system that's used by some games and throws just enough exceptions to bug me in the eventlog.
I sent my pitch off today too to a guy who wants to be a part of it, so I'm mentally exploring that possibility too.
Redesigning my website, designing a website for Seva Mandir USA (an NGO I volunteered for), fixing RSS After 5, trying to implement Google Instant for text fields as a chrome extension
One thing I'm finishing up is a bot written in C++ for a slightly popular chat program. First thing I've ever written that I expect someone will purchase.
But to answer the question: I started out with a goal of integrating Apache Shindig[1] into Quoddy[2] to enable OpenSocial[3] support. A very basic version of that is up and working, so now I'm working on refining the account / profile "stuff" in Quoddy and factoring out some common code for use in another project[4].
I'm also trying to get in a fair bit of reading. I had started Googled[5] before the break, and I finished that earlier today. I'd also started Simply Complexity[6], which I finished sometime in the last 24 hours or so (time is starting to become a fuzzy concept to me here). Then I read The Facebook Effect[7] which I just finished up a few minutes ago, and now I'm starting to re-read Bill Gates' Business @ The Speed of Thought[8]. Once I finish that, I'm hoping to find time to squeeze in The Art of Enterprise Information Architecture[9] and - if things go smashingly well - Complexity - A Guided Tour[10].
Nothing as glamorous as you guys. Working as an intern at Gridbots Technologies[1] which is a robotics company. It has helped me expand my knowledge about embedded systems and pushed me to try out new things (like the LPC2148 which is an ARM7 based controller).
After that I will work on a handheld AtMega32 based Interactive Fiction platform on which you can write and play your own interactive fiction stories (a bit old school but there is atleast one user, ME!)
2) Finding a job
3) QR Code Wrapping Paper
4) Learning Lift
5) A little app which parses police incident blotter PDFs and renders histograms, heatmaps, etc, of crime data
6) Arduino hacking with 802.15.4 (ZibBee) radios