Can confirm. Came in expecting the other Photon MicroGUI ("now there's a name I've not heard in a long time"), was surprised/disappointed. Man QNX+Photon made for a nice GUI operating environment. Rivaled only by BeOS on my "GUI environments/systems I wish had made a bigger splash" scale.
Totally agree with you. While I've been away from QNX for a long time, I did enjoy this API and system design. When I saw it go EOL, I made an appeal for them to open source it. Never heard a peep.
Those were the days! I had BeOS as my only OS for over a year until it became clear that Palm wasn't going to continue supporting and updating it. It wasn't long after that I got into QNX, initially because of my interest in embedded systems, but after running Photon on a test machine I fell in love with it almost as much as I loved BeOS.
Same. I don't understand why the authors of the linked project couldn't have done five minutes of research for the name. Or perhaps they did, and figured since QNX has moved on it would somehow make sense to take over the name? As shown here, that only leads to confusion.
I’ve never seen the phrase “microgui” used besides with QNX and this. With “photon” it’s so unique that there’s a 0% chance they hadn’t heard the name before. I’d like to know their reasoning.
This was what I thought as well. It's really too close. But awesome project nonetheless. I've given FLTK a try and while it's usable it seems a bit old in it's architecture.